more expensive food products across Europe


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Consumers are concerned about the inflation of everyday food prices. The French are not the only ones to worry about this rise, effective throughout Europe. On the 8 p.m. news set, consumer expert Jean-Paul Chapel takes stock of these products that have become more expensive.

Prices have been getting higher in Europe for twenty years now. The European statistics institute has seen an increase of 4.9% in the last twelve months. The situation is unprecedented since the creation of the Euro Zone. France is not on the podium of the most affected countries. On the other hand, we find an increase of 7.1% for Belgium, 6% for Germany, and 5.6% for Spain.

France remains below average with inflation of 3.4%. This increase is mainly caused by the nuclear cost. However, the prices of food products are also constantly increasing. Over one year, the price of desserts increased by 4.4%, that of pasta increased by 3.8%, and for the price of cheese, an inflation of 3% is observed.

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