Overnight, residents of seven Creuse municipalities discovered that their bread distributor was empty. The bakery that supplied them is no longer able to provide this service. Solutions are underway.
It was a bad surprise for Sandrine, who passes by the Distrib’pain installed in front of the town hall of Pionnat: “ As of Monday I said to myself ben thin! not to say anything else! she exclaims. She wasn’t not the only one to have become accustomed to this distributor : “ You could clearly see the number of cars stopping in front of it, even the bakery which came back very regularly to replenish the stock, it worked really well! she explains.
Seven municipalities concerned
Pionnat is one of the seven municipalities affected by this sudden stoppage of the service since April 1, with Jouillat, Nouzerines, Bourg d’Hem, Cressat, Saint Marien and La Saunière.
There are elderly people for whom it is impossible to go to Guéret or Ajain every day
Not very good news as this service is very useful for the inhabitants : “ With the road works that we have at the moment in the sector and the rise in the price of gasoline, we do not always want to take the road to get our bread. There are also elderly people for whom it is impossible to go to Guéret or Ajain every day. explains Laurent Piolé, the mayor of Pionnat.
– Natacha Kadur
Bread back soon
Faced with this situation and in conjunction with the elected officials of the municipalities concerned, Pierre Briaunaud, manager of the company Le Distrib’, took things in hand : “ There is a sense of urgency as these dispensers are praised and in high demand. So there are competitors willing to pick up these machines for their customers explains the manager of the distributors, who wants to prevent the service from disappearing.
For the moment, there would be three bakeries which would each agree to provide two distributors
He therefore looking for new bakers to supply the Distrib’pain as quickly as possible : ” I found solutions for 6 of the 7 municipalities. For the moment, there would be three bakeries which would each agree to provide two distributors he explains.
The Distribution still looking for a buyer for the bread depot in La Saunière : “ All distributors are profitable », assures Pierre Briaunaud.
If all goes well, bread should be back in distributors by mid-April.