More beautiful life – Lola Marois injured: revelations on the eventful filming

All good things come to an end. More beautiful life will therefore have one. Almost twenty years after the launch of the series on public service, the most famous Marseille program in France is preparing to lower the curtain. No date has yet been communicated but the end of the series could be close. If Lola Marois, alias Ariane Hersant, would have liked to continue the adventure in the Marseille city, she cannot hide that the cessation of filming should do her body a world of good since, as she herself says so well, the taken are not easy. Especially when playing a policewoman.

In the pages of TV Star this Monday, May 2, Jean-Marie Bigard’s wife revealed that the plot in which her character plays an important role was not without consequences from a physical point of view: “It’s been quite a complex arc for me to play. We were often in sets where it was very cold. I hurt myself twice“confessed the mother of Bella and Jules, 9 years old.

Lola Marois was injured for the first time “to the neck in a waterfall with Jacob (played by Christophe Morillon, editor’s note)”. If she certainly did not have to undergo operations of all kinds to be put back on her feet, precisely, on the side of the feet, it is not really joy since her ankle has she too was touched”in a chase“. She is not totally immobilized but was forced to wear a splint to help her injury heal as quickly as possible.

Suffice to say that rest is recommended for Lola Marois since this filming hazard. The 39-year-old actress is lucky to have a husband and two children who take care of her in these difficult times. It could also be that soon, Lola Marois and Jean-Marie Bigard will enlarge the family. The actress would in any case not be against it since she had indicated at the end of the year 2020 in an Instagram story to have “sometimes want” of a third child. Case to follow.

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