More beautiful life: An actress pregnant with her 2nd child, beautiful announcement in photo

Remember that Prudence Leroy embodies Fanny, the restaurant waitress The Mark, since 2021. A small role at first that ended up growing. She therefore had to multiply the round trips to Marseille, since she lives in Paris. And that requires a lot of organization, as she confided during an interview for MagicMom, last March. “I am lucky to be well surrounded by my family and in particular my companion who perfectly manages my absences. Before leaving, on average 2.3 days a week, I make sure everything is ready: I ​​prepare Kyle’s meals, his clothes for the week, etc.“, she clarified. Unsurprisingly, it always makes her “a little twinge in the heart not to be at home for moments of rituals“. But over time, the one who is also a model has learned not to feel guilty anymore. “When I have long shooting periods, my partner and my son come to see me in Marseille. We have a good time there“, she continued.

What mother is she?

Prudence Leroy describes herself as a mother “attentive, caring and very very cool“. However, she does not hesitate to use her “little hint of authority” when it is needed. “I would like to expand the familyI don’t put up any barriers in relation to professional or other projects, but it’s sure, motherhood brings me only good times“, she had explained. A wish that she therefore realized.

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