more and more thefts of catalytic converters



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

O.Longueval, N.Perez, G.Marque, J.Boulesteix, T.Evrard, @RevelateursFTV, A.d’Abrigeon – France 2

France Televisions

It has become a specialty of robbery gangs. They are now targeting car catalytic converters, which contain precious metals, for resale on the black market.

Nestled under the car, the catalytic converter is a catalyst, a filter connected to the exhaust pipe. He is a prime target for criminals, as noted by a driver who was the victim of a theft. “I was about to start the car, I hear it didn’t make the same usual noise from the engine, but a loud noise like a sports car”. The exhaust system was sawn off, and the catalytic converter disappeared.

Coveted materials

This type of flight doubled between 2021 and 2022 in France. Thieves have a very specific modus operandi, explains a mechanic: “They cut directly either with a circular saw or with a cutting chain”. Catalytic converters contain iridium, platinum and rhodium which costs 330,000 euros per kg, six times more expensive than gold. These materials are resold on the black market. The departments of Nord and Loire-Atlantique are the most affected.

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