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Pharmacies are facing a high influx due to the increase in Covid-19 contaminations, and the number of tests is exploding. Report in Angoulême.
In a pharmacy in Angoulême (Charente), more and more customers are coming to be tested, faced with the increase in Covid-19 contaminations. “We were down to five, six [tests]and there we went up to 20, 30 a day, more or less”, says Guillaume Jame, pharmacist. In city pharmacies, one in two tests would be positive for Covid-19.
This is the case of a man who participated in the Angoulême comic book festival, the first event in France since the lifting of health restrictions. In another pharmacy, the resurgence of the epidemic is also being felt. “We have more and more positive cases, indeed, comments Michel Daste, pharmacist. (…) I couldn’t tell you the number of positive cases I had yesterday, and already this morning there were three or four, in the space of half an hour, an hour. “