more and more owners are installing an advertising billboard in front of their home


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – L. Gublin, B. Six, S. Piard, V. Cruard, T. Guéry, B. Comte

France Televisions

Those who own a house and a small piece of garden can earn a little money by hosting a billboard. Some municipalities are fighting against what they call visual pollution.

Advertising panelseducate de more and more individuals interested by complements of revenus. HAS Quimper (Finistère)whene Bruno Dagand sizes flowers, imppossible to missimminse structure of 4 meters by 3. He y has four years, one commercial came to ring his home. At first reluctant, he was convinced with the promise of earning more money. The panel reports to him 1 800 euros by year.

Installation requests on the rise

More and more owners are renting a piece of land. The weight, size and type of panel allow additional income from 200 to 6 000 euros per year. In an advertising company of Val-d’Oise, traders have no pread need dand do of doorhasdoor, they are directly contacted by THE individuals. THE demanotof the have tripLe in 6 monthsprompted by the financial crisis. But this is not always possible: alone a request on two resulting. We vsaccount 90,000 panels grand format in France, i.e. twox times less than ten years ago, due to regulation More Strict pOrr fight against visual pollution.

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