“The number of vasectomies has increased every year since 2010, from 1,940 vasectomies in 2010 to 30,288 in 2022, a fifteen-fold increase,” write the authors of the study.
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Vasectomy is gaining momentum in France. This long-marginal choice of contraception among French men is increasingly practiced, according to a study published Monday February 12 by the health authorities. “More and more French men are using this definitive contraception”summarize the authors of the study carried out jointly by Health Insurance and the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM).
Vasectomy is a form of sterilization. It consists of blocking the spermatozoa, via ligation of the ducts which transport them from the testicles. It is considered definitive contraception. Although it is sometimes possible to reverse the effects of a vasectomy, we cannot know in advance whether it will be irreversible or not.
Fifteen-fold increase since 2010
In France, where it has been authorized since 2001, vasectomy has long remained extremely rare, unlike countries like the United States or South Korea where it has become commonplace among other methods of contraception. However, according to data published Monday, this choice has become a little less marginal among the French over the last decade.
“The number of vasectomies has increased every year since 2010, from 1,940 vasectomies in 2010 to 30,288 in 2022, a fifteen-fold increase,” write the authors of the study, supervised by epidemiologist Mahmoud Zureik. There are now more men than women choosing a form of sterilization