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Since the use of 49-3 by the government to pass the pension reform, Thursday, March 16, the mobilization has become more radical and several overflows have been observed, in Paris as elsewhere.
In Paris, an inter-union demonstration turned into a confrontation on Saturday March 18. In other cities, symbols of the State were targeted and the offices of deputies were vandalized, in particular that of the president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). The movement is becoming more radical and the arrests are increasing: since the use of 49-3 on Thursday, there have been 540. Groups of activists, rather young and who organize themselves on the Internet, are at the origin of several outbursts.
The unions are also radicalizing
“Social networks are really significant in this mobilization. Once you arrive on site [ces groupes] truly have the ability to change location, to reorganize, to adapt”, believes Linda Buquet, of the Synergie-officers union. The unions are also toughening their rhetoric. Saturday, in Dijon (Côtes-d’Or), where they marched without asking permission from the prefecture.