Moose hunting: 17% drop in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean in 2022

Moose hunting has not been as successful as in past years in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean in 2022, especially since the number of moose harvested has decreased by 17% in zone 28 compared to last year.

“In past years, we hit hard in the candy dish,” said the hunting and fishing columnist at the Journal de Québec, Julien Cabana, for whom hunters have a duty to take responsibility and protect the female moose.

“If we leave an adult female with a calf half the time, we reach 25 animals after five years,” he said.

Julien Cabana cited Gaspésie as an example, where a specific number of female licenses is awarded each year by drawing lots.

“When we started protecting the female there were between 50 and 60,000 moose in Quebec. Seven years later, the herd numbered 122,000. It proves that this is the solution if we want to preserve the moose population.”

Climatic conditions and the evolution of hunting techniques can also influence the behavior of animals, according to another expert.

“Before, people hunted mainly in a watchtower, explained the owner of Chasse et Pêche Chicoutimi, Éric Lapointe. The new hunting techniques mean that hunters will go towards the game and this is one of the reasons why we see less of it, we disturb them.

The Department of Wildlife is currently carrying out an aerial inventory of moose in zone 28. This is the first since 2006.

According to preliminary information obtained by Éric Lapointe, the moose population is in good health in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean.

In addition, the number of followers has remained stable in the region.

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