Montreal | Valérie Plante once again triggers the state of emergency

Cinq mois après en être sorti, Montréal est retournée mardi en état d’urgence.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard
La Presse

En conférence de presse virtuelle, en avant-midi, la mairesse Valérie Plante a annoncé qu’elle avait signé la déclaration nécessaire au retour de ce régime d’exception. La décision devra être confirmée par le conseil municipal et le conseil d’agglomération dans les prochains jours.

« La Ville de Montréal se donne les moyens de protéger les travailleurs essentiels de l’agglomération et d’assurer la continuité des services publics », a justifié Mme Plante.

L’état d’urgence donnera aux services municipaux toute la latitude nécessaire afin qu’ils puissent réagir rapidement aux imprévus, notamment afin d’aider les citoyens les plus vulnérables de la métropole, a dit la mairesse.

« L’état d’urgence, c’est un outil supplémentaire », a-t-elle ajouté. « Par exemple, nous pourrons acheter du matériel de protection […], we will be able to conclude agreements to set up hosting solutions quickly ”

She even suffers from COVID-19, Valérie Plante called for the greatest caution in the face of the surge in cases. The mayor refused to send a specific message to emergency workers and snow removal employees regarding holiday family gatherings: all Montrealers must be careful and review their plans, she said.

“We all have a role to play,” she said. “I know the situation is difficult, but we’ve been through it before and we know we can get through it. […] For the good of those we love, of our friends, of our families, I ask you, dear Montrealers, to be extremely careful. ”

Mme Plante said she had not yet spoken with François Legault about the possibility of a curfew being declared again in Montreal or across the province. If it is the choice of the provincial government, the measure will have to take into account the hundreds of homeless people who live in the streets of Montreal, however, underlined the mayor.

The City of Montreal was in a state of emergency from spring 2020 until last summer.

In English, Valérie Plante said she was doing better, three days after being diagnosed with COVID-19. However, she still feels tired and hoarse. She will present the 2022 budget of the City of Montreal on Wednesday.

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