Montreal, third best city in Canada for young companies

In 2022, Montreal was voted third best city in Canada and first in Quebec for startups, or young companies, according to the HelloSafe ranking, which includes only three Quebec cities.

Based on data published by the Startup Blink Institute, the HelloSafe ranking places Montreal in third place among Canadian cities for young companies. Quebec is in eighth place and Sherbrooke in twenty-fifth place.

Nationally, the top three are made up of Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

With only three cities listed, Quebec is largely under-represented, especially compared to Ontario, which has 21 cities ranked among the 41 Canadian cities in the world’s top 1000.

Globally, Canada remains the fourth best country for start-ups in 2022 behind the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel.

This ranking, updated each year, is based on a set of three categories (quantity, quality, business environment) of criteria, themselves divided into 22 sub-criteria.

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