Montreal remains safe, assures the City

Even if crime is experiencing a significant increase, as evidenced by the 2021 report of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) published Monday, Montreal remains a safe city, supports the administration of Mayor Valérie Plante.

“For us, this report is not really a surprise. We know that there is an increase in armed violence, especially since we have been working on the file for more than a year, ”said Alain Vaillancourt, head of public security for the executive committee, on Tuesday.

Rising crime is being seen elsewhere in North America, he noted. “What we are currently seeing is nevertheless worrying in terms of armed violence. It remains our priority. »

Recall that the SPVM report published Monday revealed that crimes against the person had increased by 17.3% over the past five years. Half of the homicides and attempted murders committed on SPVM territory in 2021 involved the presence or use of a firearm. And the number of firearm discharges has exploded, from 71 to 144 in one year.

Alain Vaillancourt believes that the SPVM is making a “colossal effort” to counter armed violence. The elected official mentioned in particular the major operation carried out last month which allowed the dismantling of a network of trafficking and production of amphetamine and the seizure of 21 firearms. “It still took 11 months to do this investigation. Sometimes it’s long, but the work is done on a daily basis. »

“The report shows that the SPVM is doing what it has to do. They are very agile in the context, ”continued the chosen one. “We don’t wait for incidents to act. The police budget has been increased by $45 million. We have improved their mixed teams such as ELTA, to fight against firearms. Just last year, they removed nearly 700 firearms. […] The SPVM currently has the necessary resources to carry out their investigations. »

The words of Alain Vaillancourt did not reassure the opposition. “Did we read the same report? We have clearly seen that all the indicators are red,” protested the adviser to Ensemble Montreal, Abdelhaq Sari. The 36 homicides that occurred in 2021 represent an increase of almost 40% compared to the average of the last five years, he noted. And the data on assaults and attempted murders are also disturbing, he said.

“Certainly, violence has increased across Canada, but in Montreal, we have a particularity: we have an administration that is not even aware of the problem, which shows laxity and a lack of competence in this regarding urban security. She does not really support the SPVM. »

According to Mr. Sari, the SPVM has a staffing problem. The report also indicates that 377 police positions are still vacant. The administration should start by filling these positions, believes the elected official. “The police officers who are disengaging, who are tired and in burnout “, he recalled.

Mr. Sari is not convinced that Montreal is still safe. “I think you have to ask parents who are afraid of their children walking to school. This concern is now widespread across our city and there is a lack of action from the administration. »

The SPVM report will be the subject of a public presentation on Wednesday before the Commission de la sécurité publique of the City of Montreal.

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