Montreal Public Health is investigating a fake acupuncturist

The Montreal Regional Public Health Department is conducting an investigation concerning a man known under the pseudonym Dr. BA who until very recently offered treatments similar to acupuncture, without being a member of the Order of Acupuncturists of Quebec (OAQ). She recommends that Dashdorj Bayasgalan’s clients get tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, due to “potentially contaminated” needles, “cupping” or syringes.

According to the Montreal Regional Public Health Department, the risk of transmission of these infections remains “low”. “But it is higher than the threshold from which normally a recall and screening are recommended,” indicates the DD Geneviève Cadieux, deputy medical head of the infectious disease prevention and control sector. This threshold is one in a million. »

Public Health began its investigation following a report from the OAQ. A few days later, she issued an order — under the Public Health Law — to Dashdorj Bayasgalan to cease all activities presenting a risk of transmission of blood-borne viruses. “He is no longer allowed to use acupuncture needles, suction cups or give injections,” specifies the DD Cadieux.

According to an OAQ investigation, Dashdorj Bayasgalan reused needles and had “other poor practices relating to hygiene and asepsis,” wrote the Order in a press release issued Tuesday.

The man offered treatments in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce district. Public Health does not know exactly how many people have used its services. “It is very difficult to estimate because, unfortunately, he did not have a patient register or client files,” says the DD Cadieux.

The Regional Public Health Directorate, however, puts forward a figure of 200 people, based on receipts issued for insurance purposes. “Unfortunately, of these 200 people, there were very few for whom we had contact details. »

Public Health invites affected clients to be tested at a local service point in Côte-Saint-Luc. She reminds that infected people can have no symptoms and transmit the diseases to their loved ones or sexual partners.

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