Montreal | Martine Musau Muele will chair the city council

A municipal councilor from Villeray, Martine Musau Muele, will now chair the municipal council of Montreal, Mayor Plante announced Thursday morning.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

The candidacy of Mme Muele, a lawyer by profession, will be supported by the elected officials of Projet Montreal, who form the majority on city council.

“She is in the best position to chair the municipal council,” said Valérie Plante during the meeting of the City’s executive committee, held Thursday morning. “She specializes in ethics, administrative law, governance and citizen participation. ”

Until the vote on November 7, the municipal council was chaired by municipal councilor Suzie Miron. However, it suffered a short defeat – which it contests – at the polls.

The municipal council brings together the 18 borough mayors and the 46 city councilors of the metropolis, in addition to the mayoress of Montreal, for a total of 65 members. He sits every month.

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