Montreal International Jazz Festival | Laufey: Bringing Jazz Back into the Modern Age

Laufey is a beautiful anomaly. The jazz singer is one of the most popular artists on TikTok, the platform for 18- to 34-year-olds. With viral videos (and Grammy awards), the Icelandic singer is bringing the genre back into fashion and making young music lovers nostalgic for a time they never knew.

The one we didn’t expect



Laufey’s (pronounced lāy-vāy) rise to fame, especially among young people, is a story of both unexpected success and the hard work of a determined artist. Because while she might not have been expected in the mainstream music world, where jazz is hard to find in the top ranks, it’s not entirely by chance that Laufey has gotten to where she is today—with a Grammy to her name, a world tour underway, and nearly 6 million TikTok followers—at just 25 years old. Born in Reykjavik to an Icelandic father and a Chinese mother, Laufey Lín Bing Jónsdóttir, her full name, was predestined for music: her mother is a classical violinist, her grandfather was a violin professor at the Conservatory of Music in China, and her twin sister is also a violinist. At the age of 4 she started playing the piano, at 8 she started playing the cello, and then graduated from the Reykjavik College of Music. At 15 she was a cello soloist in the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Around the same time she made it to the finals of the TV show Island Got Talentthen in the semi-final, the following year, of The Voice Iceland. These first forays into mainstream broadcasts began his transition from the more reclusive world of classical and jazz music to that of popular music. His goal was clear: to bring jazz to the ears of the widest possible audience. [Taylor Swift] did for pop and country music what I hope to do for jazz, she explained to the magazine Billboardin a 2023 interview. She managed to bring people from all over the world together [autour de sa musique], which is one of my main goals as a musician. »

Laufey – From the Start

The TikTok formula

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