Montreal General Hospital Emergencies | Employees with COVID-19

COVID-19 has spread in the emergency room of the Montreal General Hospital, where 13 employees have been diagnosed positive for the virus.

Lila Dussault

Lila Dussault

This outbreak at the Montreal General Hospital would not be due to a Christmas rally, said Annie-Claire Fournier, media relations advisor for the McGill University Health Center.

The transmission occurred in a community way, that is, from one emergency room employee to another. Two nurses were initially tested positive for COVID-19. The virus then spread to infect 11 other workers.

“Infected employees are closely monitored by the occupational health and safety department, and no member of the public has been affected by this outbreak,” said Marie-Claire Fournier.

“There have been two massive screenings since Monday,” said Shiaman Diawara, president of the Union of MUHC Employees. N95 masks are available to all emergency workers and are recommended to wear them at all times. ”

With the collaboration of Ariane Lacoursière, Press

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