Montreal announces measures to secure the intersection where a child died

Two days after the death of a seven-year-old girl, hit by a motorist at the corner of rue de Rouen and rue Parthenais, the borough of Ville-Marie announced Thursday that measures would be put in place at this intersection in order to make it safer.

Oversized stop signs will be installed on rue Parthenais, at the intersection of rue De Rouen. The roadway on rue Parthenais, at the north and south approaches to the intersections of rue de Rouen and rue Larivière, will be narrowed in order to limit the flow and speed of vehicles. In addition, the police presence will be increased.

The new measures were announced Thursday afternoon in a press release. The borough specified that these measures would be implemented as of Thursday and that other changes to the intersection could be made in the coming weeks or months.

“The safe movement of pedestrians, young and old, is a priority for our administration, which translates into dozens of schools made safe each year, one-way traffic lights in residential neighborhoods, the widening and greening of sidewalks, in particular. Securing the Centre-Sud district is particularly important given the high traffic pressure,” said Mayor Valérie Plante.

The Borough of Ville-Marie specifies that in recent years, 98 intersections have been fitted with protrusions that make traffic lanes narrower. A dozen streets have been redeveloped and speed bumps have been installed on 11 streets in recent weeks.

On Tuesday morning, seven-year-old Maria Legenkovska was walking to the school she attends with her brother and sister when she was fatally hit by a motorist. The victim was a young refugee girl from Ukraine. For his part, motorist Juan Manuel Becerra Garcia, 45, was charged with a fatal hit-and-run.

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