Montreal and Bernard Lamothe reach an out-of-court agreement

The City of Montreal and former deputy director of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) Bernard Lamothe have reached an out-of-court settlement agreement, the city announced on Friday.

Posted at 4:40 p.m.

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel
The Press

Suspended for 28 months while he was the subject of an internal investigation that found no fault with him, Mr. Lamothe claimed 1.85 million in damages from the City for his destroyed career. The Court of Quebec had already recognized that he had been the subject of a disguised dismissal.

The former deputy director “has been cleared of all suspicion”, recalled the City by press release. However, it had not been possible to reinstate him because at the conclusion of the investigation “all the posts of deputy directors had been filled”.

However, he “retained his title and rank at the SPVM, and the confidence of his superior and his employer, until he decided to retire,” the statement read. This will be effective as of August 24, according to the terms of the agreement, the monetary value of which is not specified.

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