Montreal | A first snow loading operation on Tuesday

The City of Montreal will launch its very first snow loading operation of the winter season on Tuesday. Given the significant accumulation received in the metropolis, this is expected to extend throughout the week.

This was confirmed on Monday by the Plante administration in a brief press release. The head of consultation with the districts and water, Maja Vodanovic, was to meet the media on this subject at the end of the morning to take stock.

According to the information obtained, snow loading will begin at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning. As a general rule, the City allows up to eight hours after the end of the precipitation to clear the snow from the streets and sidewalks before beginning loading.

Environment Canada predicted that snow would continue to fall throughout the day Monday, until partial clearing in the evening, with light snow gradually disappearing.

So far, around thirty centimeters have already fallen in the Montreal region. “We’ll have enough for the week. It could go until Sunday. We have a long week of work ahead of us,” explains the City’s administrative spokesperson, Philippe Sabourin.

The latter also invites Montrealers to respect the road signs that will be put in place and the parking bans. “The less towing we do, the faster our operations will advance,” slips Mr. Sabourin.

In total, 2,200 snow removal trucks as well as 3,000 employees will be active on the streets of Montreal starting Tuesday. More than a thousand devices and employees were already assigned to priority clearance this Monday.

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