Although cross-country skiing remains a popular sport, trail networks are not growing, quite the contrary. It is for this reason in particular that Godefroy Bilodeau took action when Laval University closed the Montmorency forest cross-country ski center, right next to the Laurentides wildlife reserve, in 2020.
He has concluded agreements to reopen trails during three specific periods, including the months of November and December 2023. To the great pleasure of cross-country skiers. So, December 30 was a record day.
“There have never been as many people as this for an activity at the Montmorency forest,” rejoices Mr. Bilodeau. There were something like 1400 people who came to visit us. »
Godefroy Bilodeau is head coach of the Rouge et Or cross-country ski team at Laval University. He himself competed in his youth. But above all, he knows the joy of visiting different sites, of following this or that trail.
Unfortunately, the cross-country ski network in Quebec is shrinking. There are little pieces that we lose every year. Oops, we don’t do this coast anymore. We no longer do this piece of track.
Godefroy Bilodeau, head coach of the Rouge et Or cross-country ski team at Laval University
He says that there is no real development of cross-country ski sites anymore. “Which means that what was built in the 1970s and 1980s must be defended, it must be kept alive. One of my motivations is to protect the ski area that I loved so much. »
Like the Montmorency forest.

Godefroy Bilodeau worked hard to offer good conditions to the cross-country skiers despite a late winter.
Laval University uses this site as a teaching and research forest under an agreement concluded with the government of Quebec in 1964. For years, skiers and snowshoers have been able to take advantage of the forest’s infrastructure to practice their favorite sport. Many competitive cross-country ski teams also used to start their training season there.
“There was really an integrated vision of the territory,” says Mr. Bilodeau.
In October 2020, Laval University announced that from now on, only teaching and research activities would be permitted. In addition to distressing ski and snowshoe enthusiasts, this seriously complicated the training of elite cross-country skiers.
“They told me that if I wanted to make tracks for my young people, there was no problem, they would rent me the machine,” recalls Godefroy Bilodeau. I made a nice ski network for my fifteen athletes. »
He did it again the following season, but by opening the slopes to all cross-country skiers and offering accommodation. However, Laval University did not renew this agreement in the fall of 2022, in particular because heavy machinery had to use the trails during the winter for a research project and because the infrastructure was becoming too aging.
More than 11,000 outdoor enthusiasts have signed a petition asking the University to reverse the decision.

The infrastructures of the Montmorency forest, such as the accommodation lodge, would need investment.
This is how Godefroy Bilodeau was able to conclude a new agreement for the end of 2023. It was not possible to offer accommodation, but Mr. Bilodeau was still able to open a small part of the forest pavilion Montmorency to welcome cross-country skiers and snowshoers. The season ran from mid-November to December 31.
He chose to offer a short season because typically, traffic decreases considerably at the Montmorency forest after the 1er January. With winter settling in everywhere, skiers are heading to cross-country ski centers closer to home.
Godefroy Bilodeau is very happy with the response from ski enthusiasts during this period. Happy, but somewhat exhausted.
Imagine, I haven’t skied once on my slopes. I have a family, I have three children, there was always a higher priority than taking time for myself. But I can’t complain, people were grateful.
Godefroy Bilodeau, head coach of the Rouge et Or cross-country ski team at Laval University
With the success of the season, he hopes to renew the agreement with Laval University in 2024.
“Our review meetings have not yet been held, we will do that in the coming weeks,” he declares. I think it’s positive. »
Indeed, Laval University plans to launch a call for interest “for the continuation of recreational tourism activities” based on the results of the three pilot projects.
“This call for interest will not include a short-term housing offer, given the dilapidated state of the infrastructure available in the Montmorency forest,” says the spokesperson for Laval University, Simon The Terror.
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Source: Quebec Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks