monthly nocturnal heat records broken in the Bouches-du-Rhône

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12:33 p.m. : The Tarascon station thus recorded the hottest night since the start of measurements in 1990 with a temperature that did not drop below 26.8°C. The Arles station recorded a minimum of 23.9°C overnight, a record for the month of June since the start of measurements at this station in early 1963.

12:33 p.m. : The Bouches-du-Rhône recorded several nocturnal heat records last night.

12:04 : Here is the point on the news of the midday.

• A third of France is on heatwave vigilance with a thermometer that will often exceed 40°C today. Twelve departments are in particular on red alert. In total, 37 departments, or 18 million people, are concerned by the vigilance put in place by Météo France. Follow our live.

• Last day of campaigning for legislative candidates. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, continues her tour of Calvados, Marine Le Pen will be in Pas-de-Calais while Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Julien Bayou will hold a press conference in Paris. Follow our live.

• Franceinfo looked at the various duels in the second round. We have selected twenty of them, particularly interesting to follow because of a very tight vote gap in the first round, with political leaders in difficulty or new faces eager to create a surprise.

• France no longer receives Russian gas by gas pipeline, announces the manager of the French network. Follow our live.

The British government confirms the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, where he is being prosecuted for a massive leak of confidential documents.

1:28 p.m. : In the 12 departments placed on heat wave red alert on Friday, children will be able to stay at home and not go to school or college, announced the Ministry of Education. Parents and schoolchildren are adapting to the high temperatures. “Perhaps we should not close all the schools in the department, but the prefect should put the children and the staff in safety. The responsibility should not rest solely on the shoulders of the families”explains Bastien Alberti, co-secretary of the SNUipp-FSU union.

1:20 p.m. : “When it’s so hot, they’re not focused at all. I changed the program to do manual work. But even that is complicated.”

In his class, the blinds work, but the upper part of the windows are not covered. Children’s drawings on cardboard therefore act as shutters. It’s even worse in the playground, where the franceinfo thermometer displays, in a few minutes of exposure, a stunning 39.3 ° C. “There is very little shade and it is in full sunnotes Yasmine Azzouz. When they come back up, they’re dead”.

11:14 a.m. : Teachers note the effect of temperature on children’s concentration. Franceinfo went to an establishment in the Paris suburbs which is preparing for work to find shade and freshness. “28°C, when I have just ventilated and the students are not there, it’s too much”testifies Yasmine Azzouza CM1-CM2 teacher at Honoré de Balzac primary school in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine).

11:24 : “To rehydrate, it’s like when you go for a marathon in the desert. It is absolutely necessary to take salt and sugar. (…) And above all do not forget that you have to drink twice as much as usual each time we take more than five degrees compared to the seasonal averages.

“Ldehydration, heatstroke, sunstroke affect everyone. And it can be deadly”alert on franceinfo the health professional, while Météo France placed 12 departments on heatwave red alert from Friday, including part of New Aquitaine.

11:19 a.m. : The Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, will be in Vienne, placed on red alert, from 9:30 a.m. to “to take stock of the situation on the mobilization of State services” It front of “risks linked to the heat wave”. She will first go to the prefecture and then to an Ehpad in Poitiers, before going to the neighboring town of Smarves, where she will hold a press briefing at the end of the morning.

10:30 a.m. : It’s time to take stock of the news.

• A third of France is on heatwave vigilance with a thermometer that will often exceed 40°C today. Twelve departments are in particular on red alert. In total, 37 departments, or 18 million people, are concerned by the vigilance put in place by Météo France.

• Last day of campaigning for legislative candidates. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, continues her tour of Calvados, Marine Le Pen will be in Pas-de-Calais while Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Julien Bayou will hold a press conference in Paris. Follow our live.

• Franceinfo looked at the various duels in the second round. We have selected twenty of them, particularly interesting to follow because of a very tight vote gap in the first round, with political leaders in difficulty or new faces eager to create a surprise.

• The European Commission must now issue an opinion on Ukraine’s candidate status for membership of the European Union, following the visit of the French, German and Italian leaders to kyiv. Follow our live.

A security perimeter has been in place for 6 hours around the Pont-Neuf in Paris, for the needs of a “judicial operation”. This is the reconstruction of the events that occurred at this place on April 24.

08:45 : The heat wave “should be an electoral argument because it is the very conditions of existence that are at stake. Public policies can both fight against climate change and ensure that we adapt”, defends Yannick Jadot.

08:52 : According to the ex-ecologist presidential candidate, guest of franceinfo, the heat wave “should be an electoral argument because it is the very conditions of existence that are at stake. Public policies can both fight against climate change and ensure that we adapt”.

08:51 : “But the absolute, absolute challenge is our buildings. For the time we have been saying that we have to adapt our housing, our infrastructures, our cities… If we renovate our housing and our houses, it’s less energy bills in winter, it’s less heat in summer, it’s tens, hundreds of thousands of jobs, it’s our independence from Russia . This is the absolute priority project.”

07:22 : – ban on all public demonstrations outside or in non-air-conditioned premises from tomorrow 2 p.m. until the end of the heat wave episode – fireworks prohibited until Monday morning – reinforcement of marauding… https ://

07:21 : Due to the expected heat wave, the prefecture of Nouvelle-Aquitaine prohibits in five of its departments (Gironde, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne, Charente and Lot-et-Garonne) all gatherings in public places in outside from 2 p.m., time of the entry into force of the vigilance. This order will end “with the heatwave episode”adds the prefecture to franceinfo.

08:10 : From North to South via Champagne, the regional dailies focus on the heat wave that is affecting the country. The voice of the North title “too hot too soon”, South West goes into “maximum alert” and Champagne Liberation is worried about “39 degrees” expected in Dawn.

06:14 : ? 12 dpts in #vigilanceRouge? 25 dpts in #vigilanceOrangeStay informed on

08:03 : Météo France has published its new update on vigilance in France. Nothing changes compared to yesterday afternoon: 12 departments are still on red alert and 25 on orange alert.

08:57 : We begin with a first point on the news.

• A third of France is on heat wave vigilance with a thermometer often exceeding 40°C. Twelve departments are in particular on red alert. In total, 37 departments, or 18 million people, are concerned by the vigilance put in place by Météo France.

• Last day of campaigning for legislative candidates. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, continues her tour of Calvados, Marine Le Pen will be in Pas-de-Calais while Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Julien Bayou will hold a press conference in Paris. Also relive in full the debate that took place last night on France 2 between François Bayrou (MoDem), Mathilde Panot (Nupes), Philippe Ballard (RN) and Jean-François Copé (LR).

• The French, German and Italian leaders as well as their Romanian counterpart have expressed their readiness to grant “immediately” Ukraine the status of candidate for membership of the European Union during their unprecedented visit to kyiv. Here’s what to remember from this trip. The European Commission must now give its opinion on this subject.

In a stage report from the Stade de France, the presidents of the culture and law commissions of the Senate, Laurent Lafon (centrist) and François-Noël Buffet (LR), denounced “unpreparedness” public authorities for the Champions League final on May 28.

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