Monteregie | A 60-year-old dies after a swerve

(Lacolle) A 66-year-old man died after swerving his vehicle overnight from Saturday to Sunday, in Lacolle, Montérégie.

Updated yesterday at 9:23 p.m.

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel
The Press

The road trip occurred around 2:45 a.m. on the climb to Odelltown. The vehicle came to rest against a tree.

“Following the impact, the vehicle caught fire,” said Sergeant Béatrice Dorsainville, spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec.

The driver, originally from Ontario, was alone in the vehicle.

“He was extricated using the extrication pliers and transported to the hospital centre,” said Sergeant Dorsainville. “We have a collision investigation officer who analyzed the scene. »

The man was still in critical condition, seven hours after the tragedy. The SQ said later Sunday evening that he died.

The SQ investigation is continuing.

With The Canadian Press

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