Mont-Saint-Bruno | Seventy-year-old dies crushed by tree

(Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville) A woman over 70 years old lost her life while she was in the Mont-Saint-Bruno national park after a tree fell on her.

The accident happened around 1 p.m. on Thursday, when a woman in her 70s was accompanied by her daughter and grandchild.

A falling tree killed her instantly while she was on the Le Grand-Duc trail in the ponds area.

On the website of the Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (SEPAQ), we can read that it only takes one hour to cover this 3.5-kilometre trail and that the level of difficulty is “easy”.

The trail is also said to be recommended for families and accessible by “big-wheel stroller.” The trail was closed to the public following the accident, but the rest of the park remains open.

The Longueuil Agglomeration Police Department is still on site with park managers. SEPAQ spokesperson Olivia Jacques explains that the state company is currently collaborating in the investigation and that it extends its support to the victim’s relatives.

source site-61