Mons starred chef Christophe Dupouy delights us

Rare are the moments in the company of our starred chefs from the Landes. Christophe Dupouy, in whom the Michelin Guide has therefore renewed its confidence, was back this Monday morning on France Bleu Gascogne for Circuit Bleu Côté Saveurs. The chef of Les Clefs d’Argent restaurant in Mont-de-Marsan created a sublime tartlet combining citrus fruits from the Landesthose of Thierry Dupouy in Eugénie-les-Bains, and Diogo Vaz chocolate from our Landes producers on the island of Sao Tomé-et-Principe.

Christophe Dupouy’s tartlet with citrus fruits and Diogo Vaz nibs. © Radio France

A tartlet with a crispy sweet dough topped with a whipped “Diogo Vaz nib praline” ganache with sublime kumquats and limequats to finish. Extraordinary ingredients for an extraordinary dessert.

On the menu right now… quite a poem!

If you consult the website of the Les Clefs d’Argent restaurant, you will be pleasantly surprised. When reading the three menus; Creator (66€ in 5 services), Author (74€ in 6 courses), Emotion (88€ in 7 services) you will link three poems. Three poems written with their hearts revealing the dishes, arousing a playful effort of imagination. The key, of course, is the surprise at the tasting.
Don’t forget to come and have lunch at Les Clefs d’Argents, the menu is 25 euros per person, a good solution to get to know the chef’s starred and mixed cuisine.

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Christophe Dupouy gives you an appointment this Saturday April 2 for a special evening in the colors of Italy. Another beautiful themed evening of which he has the secret with typical products. Remember to book.

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