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72 people were victims of collective poisoning in a church in Pas-de-Calais on Saturday. In Lyon, the Jewish community gathered on Sunday for the 80th anniversary of the rue Sainte-Catherine roundup.
More than 200 faithful were gathered for a mass, Saturday, February 11, in Tincques (Pas-de-Calais). Then the symptoms. “We had a little hot flashes, we felt a little muddy“, testifies one of the faithful. The problem came from a faulty auxiliary heating, which let out carbon monoxide. At the end of the mass, 70 intoxicated people were taken care of by the emergency services, and seven transported to the hospital.
80th anniversary of the Rue Sainte-Catherine roundup
In Lyon (Rhône), the Jewish community gathered for the 80th anniversary of the raid on rue Sainte-Catherine. In 1943, 86 people were arrested in a building. All but two were sent to death camps. In Gironde, skiers descend a track… in pine needles. 200 meters at full speed, so that winter sports last all year round.