Monkey pox | 25 cases confirmed in Quebec, vaccination soon to be launched

Quebec will begin vaccinating people who have been in contact with confirmed patients against monkeypox. The number of confirmed cases is now 25 in Quebec and around 30 additional potential cases are suspected

Posted at 9:28

Mathieu Perreault

Mathieu Perreault
The Press

“Ideally, vaccination would be within four days of incubation,” said Dr.r Luc Boileau, acting national director of public health, at a press conference Thursday morning. The incubation period of the disease is five to seven days.

Quebec has had a hundred doses of vaccine for two days and the Dr Boileau thinks that will be enough. He hopes to be able to “eradicate” the disease. A tracing team is at work.

Monkeypox is transmitted primarily through direct contact with lesions, and patients usually recover without complications. At the moment, the disease mainly affects men who have sex with men.

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