“Mom where’s the other baby?” : Cristiano Ronaldo reveals the terrible moments that followed the death of his son

It’s a pain that no parent in the world should have to go through and yet Cristiano Ronaldo had a real nightmare last April. Several months ago, the Manchester United star and his wife were rejoicing on social networks for the upcoming arrival of their twins and we even knew that it would be a girl and a boy. Unfortunately, nothing went as planned for the couple and during the delivery of his partner Georgina Rodriguez, the little boy tragically died. “It is with the greatest sadness that we have to announce that our baby has died. It is the greatest pain any parent can feel.”the two stars said jointly.

In their misfortune, they were still able to welcome little Bella Esmeralda into their home. “Only the birth of our daughter gives us the strength to live this moment with hope and happiness”, they continue in their moving message. Since then, the little girl has been perfectly integrated into the large family of Cristiano Ronaldo, which already has 4 children. If things are going better, the injury remains very present for the 37-year-old champion who confided at the start of the week on the very difficult period he experienced against journalist Piers Morgan, in an interview which caused a lot of talk. . “It’s probably the hardest time of my life”said the five-time Ballon d’Or winner.

I’m not gonna lie to my kids, but it’s been a tough process

In this difficult ordeal, one of the most terrible things was to announce the death of the baby to the other children. “Gio came home, and the kids were like, ‘Where’s the other baby, where’s the other baby?'”, says Cristiano Ronaldo in this interview broadcast on TalkTV. Finally, the two parents took the time to reflect before talking to their offspring. “After a week, I said to myself: ‘Let’s be frank, and let’s be honest with the children, let’s say that, Ángel, that’s his name, went to heaven'”adds the former teammate of Karim Benzema (with whom he has not been very nice lately), before concluding on this complicated subject for him: “What I like the most is that Ángel is still part of their life. I’m not going to lie to my children, but it was a difficult process.”

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