Mom, I missed the plane: Movie star charged with rape, sordid details of assault revealed

The actor is a far cry from the children’s films and other Christmas tales that made him famous in his youth. Devin Ratray, famous for playing the evil Buzz McCallister in the movies Mom I missed the plane with Macaulay Culkin, is again at the heart of a dark affair. The 45-year-old actor, who was arrested for domestic violence last year, is now charged with rape for acts dating back to 2017.

According to information disclosed by law enforcement to CNN, the victim of Devin Ratray would be a certain Lisa Smith. Despite the paperwork she had filed at the time, no investigation had taken place that year. The young woman says to herself today “devastated” to see that the authorities responsible for these steps have remained inactive despite his attempt – the police assure that they “thought“that Lisa Smith did not want to press charges.

The case resurfaces. Devin Ratray and Lisa Smith knew each other before the assault took place. On the evening of September 21, 2017, she went to the actor with her brother and a friend, in his apartment located in the Manhattan district, for a drink. She has the intimate conviction that drugs have been poured into her drink since she only remembers vague sensations.

I woke up and couldn’t move

I remember I woke up and I couldn’t move, she told CNN. I couldn’t open my eyes, but I could hear what was happening and I could feel what he was doing. I knew the other two people had left and I was still on the couch..” Contacted by telephone, the actor, for his part, denied this version of the facts. He should go to court next October to face the accusations of domestic violence from his former companion, he would have tried to strangle…

Devin Ratray remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment.

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