Mohamed Sifaoui heard in the Senate today


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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The association of journalist Mohamed Sifaoui, beneficiary of the largest grant from the Marianne Fund, is singled out for its management. He must be heard in the Senate, Thursday, June 15.

Mohamed Sifaoui, who is to be heard on Thursday June 15 in the Senate, is at the heart of the Marianne Fund affair and must shed light on the use of the €355,000 in subsidies that have been paid to his association. For her part, Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate for Citizenship at the time, defends herself from any collusion. “I am not a friend of Mr. Sifaoui, I say this because at first this is what was postponed and this is what was said”, indicated the Secretary of State in charge of the social and solidarity economy and associative life. An amount which nevertheless questions given the activities of the association.

“The activity of the association had become almost zero”

“Even if the activity of the association had become almost nil, it served for Mohamed Sifaoui as a means of raising funds”, specifies Antton Rouget, journalist at the investigation center of Mediapart. Self-proclaimed expert on radical Islam, this Franco-Algerian journalist claims to have infiltrated a cell ofAl-Qaeda in the 2000s. distinct also by his controversial releases. Mohamed Sifaoui has already had to deal with justice, in particular for defamation when he criticized the headscarf of the mother of one of Mohamed Merah’s victims. He had been released.

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