Moderna’s vaccine less reliable than Pfizer’s?


France 3

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More and more French people are wary of the Moderna vaccine and prefer that of Pfizer. But are these doubts legitimate? Marina Carrère d’Encausse takes stock of the 19/20 plateau.

While the booster dose for the Covid-19 vaccination is open to everyone, many French people are reluctant to be injected with the Moderna vaccine and prefer that of Pfizer. But is this mistrust of Moderna justified? Even if it is normal to ask questions, elements allow to reassure the population about this vaccine, announces Marina Carrère d’Encausse, on the set of 19/20 of France 3. “There are two important elements: efficacy and risk. For efficacy, we know that the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna provide as many antibodies as each other, so a priori the protection is the same. . “

Regarding the risks of myocarditis which worries part of the population, the journalist stresses that it is still too early to say. “But it is expected that there will be fewer cases of myocarditis with this booster. The two vaccines are almost identical; initially, Moderna was a little more dosed than Pfizer, which is why it has was more effective and that there were more adverse effects “, explains Marina Carrère d’Encausse, who adds that this time, the doses have been revised, and that the efficacy and risk associated with the Moderna vaccine are identical to those of Pfizer. For those over 30, the Moderna vaccine is therefore not contraindicated for a third dose.

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