The president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday January 14, 2024.
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Jean-Louis Bourlanges, president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday January 14, 2024. Place of MoDem within the government of Gabriel Attal, future of Western support for Ukraine, financing of the health system… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.
Reshuffle: “it is not normal” to have eight ministers from the right
“As they say in union circles, the account is not there”, estimated Jean-Louis Bourlanges. Only one MoDem minister was appointed on Thursday January 11, Marc Fesneau, who retained his position in Agriculture.
If Jean-Louis Bourlanges recalls that secretaries of state remain to be appointed but believes that in “the heart of government” which was announced, “he’s not normal” that there are eight ministers “Sarkozy inspired”. The MoDem deputy judges “entirely legitimate that this sensitivity is present” but is sorry that there is “only one MoDem minister”. “If I had been asked for my opinion, I would have been more in favor of what was formerly called support without participation”underlines Jean-Louis Bourlanges.
The elected MoDem “expresses best wishes for Gabriel Attal” but notes that, three days after its appointment, the new government “leans much more clearly to the right”, especially with “the Dati effect which partially cancels the Attal effect”even if he does not “nothing against Rachida Dati who is a very interesting person on the French political scene”.
New government: “The count is not there, it is not normal that we have 6 or 7 ministers of Sarkozyist inspiration and a single MoDem minister” and “there is a gap between the appointment of Gabriel Attal and the composition of the government”, declares Jean-Louis Bourlanges
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) January 14, 2024
War in Ukraine: we must “honor our commitments” as quickly as possible
“The Ukrainians need us, we cannot give up”said Jean-Louis Bourlanges, while Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné chose Ukraine for his first official trip, Saturday January 13.
This trip to Ukraine by the new head of the Quai d’Orsay was “a good signal, an absolutely essential signal”comments Jean-Louis Boulanges. “I am in favor of Ukraine joining the European Union, but (…) we have absolutely no precise scenario”criticizes the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, after the opening of negotiations for accession to the European Union with Ukraine and Moldova.
We must as quickly as possible “honor our commitments”therefore recommends the deputy (MoDem) for Hauts-de-Seine, that is to say having “an obligation of results and not just an obligation of means”. However, France and the EU countries do not ensure “not even their obligation of means, because we are not giving Ukraine the ammunition that we promised it” .
Health: the Prime Minister should “be wary of these announcements on resources”
“The announcements that are made about the means” allocated for the health system by Gabriel Attal “do not seem to us to be the best”criticized the MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, the day after the announcement by Gabriel Attal of an investment of “32 billion additional euros” for the French health system “within five years”.
“At MoDem, we are very attentive and a little worried by budgetary excesses”, recalls Jean-Louis Bourlanges. The elected MoDem calls on Gabriel Attal to “be wary of these announcements about the means” and calls him to “remain faithful to its method in National Education, which consists of announcing precise policies”.
“At the hospital, I ask that we say what we want to do. When we have decided what we want to do, we see what it costs and we look at the means.”
Jean-Louis Bourlangesat franceinfo
He calls for “base policy on the definition of precise ends and not believe that we will allay the concerns of our fellow citizens by multiplying the means”. Because according to Jean-Louis Bourlanges, the means “are barely counted in the economic and budgetary situation which is that of the country”.
Watch the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo broadcast on Sunday, January 14: