Centrist MP Richard Ramos was invited on franceinfo on Sunday, after Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s first speech.
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The MoDem will be “a reliable partner” of the government formed by Michel Barnier, but will look at “the texts one after the other”says centrist MP Richard Ramos on Sunday, September 22, on franceinfo. According to the elected representative from Loiret, “The Prime Minister rose to the occasion” in his interview on the 8pm news on France 2. “The MoDem is on a line that is its own”, “we are very confident with the Prime Minister”he emphasizes.
Richard Ramos still says to himself “cautious about immigration”. “In France, we need selective immigration”, assures the deputy. “We don’t want to make this subject something that would be a philosophy of the extreme right, so we will look carefully at these texts that could arrive on immigration,” he continues.
The MoDem MP, very active on consumer issues, compares the Barnier government to “a yogurt with a short use-by date”. “It’s not by adding right-wing preservatives that it will last longer”, he adds, continuing the metaphor. According to him, ““Its lifespan will be very short because Ms Le Pen is chair of the supervisory board.”