mocking or determined? This look that seems to want to send a strong message to Emmanuel Macron!

For several weeks, the looks of members of the French government have caused a lot of ink to flow. And for good reason, politicians have decided to dress warmer to send a message to the French: that of consuming less energy by having a lighter hand on the heating… “If we collectively know how to behave more soberly and save energy everywhere, then there will be no rationing and there will be no cuts” indeed insisted the Head of State Emmanuel Macron during his speech on September 5th.

A call for energy sobriety and an end to abundance which directly echoed the members of the government. While Elisabeth Borne opts for the down jacket and fleece in her offices, Bruno Le Maire and Emmanuel Macron have decided to put aside the shirt and the tie for and put on a turtleneck!

A change of look obviously adopted by other people outside the members of the government? The proof, William Leymergie and his columnists have also decided to opt for the turtleneck. Via the Instagram story of the show’s account, a whole photo of the team in a turtleneck has also seen the light of day this Tuesday, October 11, 2022. An image captioned as follows: “William at noon dress code: the turtleneck! » The opportunity to tell the story of the turtleneck for Caroline Ithurbide…

See also: Brigitte Macron: Why her daughter considers Emmanuel Macron “crazy”!


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