mobilization of headteachers in Limoges

There was a mobilization of teachers and school principals last Thursday, but they too are tired of handling the situation. An inter-union representing the heads of secondary schools (Sgen-CFDT, ID-FO, Snp-Den-Unsa) on the academy calls for demonstrations in front of the Rectorate, this Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

We cannot carry out our missions as we would like, explains Christophe Guy. The principal of the Maurois college in Limoges refers to the health protocols, “which followed one another and did not facilitate day-to-day management”, but also how communicate from the Ministry of Education, “which sometimes happens to us in a rather special way”.

The headteacher announces a “tired” with many colleagues “to see all this information that accumulates and sometimes a loss of meaning compared to the expected organization”. College principals and principals sometimes helpless in their mission to reassure the staff for whom they are responsible, the children and the parents.

Finally, the intersyndicale also denounces the remaining year calendar “particularly constrained”, despite the health crisis. She expects a different communication and more stability and serenity.

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