mobilization in sharp decline

The ministry counted only 1.15% of striking teachers in the first degree (kindergarten and elementary) and 2.18% in the second degree (college and high school).

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A little-followed strike. Teachers marched on Thursday, January 20, for a new day of action aimed at protesting against the management of the Covid-19 health crisis at school, facing a Jean-Michel Blanquer weakened by the revelation of his vacation at Ibiza.

“Blanquer resignation, puppet protocol”, “Blanquer annoys us”, “Ibiza-gate” or “Jean-Michel Guetta can’t hear us!” (reference to DJ David Guetta, animator of the nights of Ibiza), could be read on signs in the Parisian demonstration, which joined the place of the Sorbonne to the ministry. Other rallies took place in several cities in France.

They were 750 people to participate in the demonstration in the capital, according to the Paris police headquarters. A week before, they were nearly 78,000 people to demonstrate in France, including 8,200 in Paris, according to the Ministry of the Interior. The ministry counted only 1.15% of striking teachers in the first degree (kindergarten and elementary) and 2.18% in the second degree (college and high school), against more than 38% in the first degree and nearly 24% in secondary the previous week.

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