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Several cities in France saw processions set off on Saturday March 5 against the war in Ukraine launched by Vladimir Putin. A mobilization joined by various political personalities.
Paris, Rennes, Marseilles… Everywhere in France, mobilizations took place on Saturday March 5 to support the Ukrainian people and say no to the war launched by Vladimir Putin. The prefecture indicated the figure of 16,000 people in the streets of the capital. “It’s a horror, it’s a crime against humanity, it’s a disaster”, a protester was indignant. Another explains having “demonstrated to show how shocked we are, how much we are against these ways of doing things. We would never have imagined.”
Several political personalities were present in the procession, among which Rashida dateManual Valleysbut also the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, and the candidate of the Greens, Yannick Jadot. “It is important that the European Union continues to strengthen its sanctions regime. We must today wonder about the complete embargo on Russian gas“, affirmed the latter, while Anne Hidalgo wishes “isolate Vladimir Putin, both economically and politically”. Several Ukrainian nationals also came to testify to the suffering of their loved ones.