MK Han Dong wants to sue Global and Corus

Targeted by allegations of Chinese interference in Canada, independent MP Han Dong has initiated legal proceedings against the Global network and its owner, Corus Entertainment.

In a statement released Monday, the former Liberal MP said he had retained the services of a lawyer to initiate proceedings “to the fullest extent possible”.

He assured that he “had nothing to hide”, adding that the “truth will eventually come out”.

Last week, the Global network revealed, under the faith of anonymous security sources, that Mr. Dong had privately advised a senior Chinese diplomat to delay the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

Both Michaels spent more than 1,000 days behind bars in China before being released in 2021.

Han Dong, who spoke of “completely false allegations”, withdrew from the Liberal caucus after the information was published.

In his statement, Mr. Dong recalls that he voted in favor of the opening of a public and independent investigation into the allegations of foreign interference last week.

He went on to say that he was willing to meet with the special rapporteur, David Johnston, and provide him with any information he needed.

“I can look in a mirror and know, with absolute certainty, that I have the truth on my side. Those who make false accusations anonymously and their enablers cannot say the same,” he concluded.

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