mixed professionals on identity verification with the vaccination pass

The new government health bill plans to give managers of establishments open to the public the possibility of checking, in addition to the QR code, proof of identity. A measure that divides the main stakeholders.

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In a bar in the center of Paris, checking the passes at the entrance to her terrace has become a reflex for Mélanie, who does not see herself asking for an identity card at all, If in doubt. “Personally, I find it a little intrusive. We are not the police! I find it totally disrespectful.” However, this is one of the measures of the new government health bill, which arrives on Wednesday, December 29, in the Assembly Law Committee.

For the waitress, this “causes discomfort for the customer” Who “is there to consume and have a good time”. Ask him for his pass and his identity card, that would be “block him at the entrance”. A little further behind the ticket office of a cinema, Olivier is tired: “It’s their problem, it’s not ours actually. It’s already complicated enough like that so [contrôler] the identity of the spectators, so no thanks. “

Antonella, who serves in a theater restaurant and spots a lot of fake QR codes is more mixed. “We will no longer have the problem of knowing who has a real pass and who has a fake pass. But the problem is that people are not necessarily going to want to present their identity papers so I don’t really know … “

A subject that the waitress finds “delicate”. The proof, he divides a group of friends seated next door. “Why would that actually shock?”, launches a man. “It is not them to do it, it is personal data so they do not have the right normally”, his friend retorts. “He wants to make sure everyone in his restaurant is safe, that’s all.” “It can deviate all the same”, concludes that which is opposed to the control of identity documents.

To justify these identity checks, the government relies on those that are already done at the entrance of casinos or when paying by check in store.

Reactions to the future vaccine pass: report by Victoria Koussa

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