Mitsuba, the new Asian address which is all the rage in Bordeaux.

Mitsuba, opened last November, created by three buddies in love with Japan. One of them is not at his first attempt since it is Ludovic Chassagne, founder of the Fufu Ramen concept. The man has lived in Japan, is married to a Tokyoite and never misses an opportunity to take the plane to return to seek inspiration in the Far East. At Mitsuba, the star is the Udon; a thick noodle made from wheat flour and tapioca flour. Everything is done on site, and the team even has the first machine in France, designed to work the dough and slice it in Japanese caliber, 4mm thick. On the menu, we therefore find this Udon noodle in several recipes, drizzled with broth and embellished with duck, beef or prawns.


Blogger, journalist, author, content creator, entrepreneur… Yannick Revel is an insatiable teller of great stories. On his blog Bon Sud Bon Genre, he shares his vision of the art of living imbued with culture, travel and of course gastronomy. His passion is to meet and transmit, wherever he is. A beautiful beach, an exhibition, a new restaurant, Yannick Revel likes to find good and beautiful addresses, sometimes off the beaten track. Between the Basque coast and Bordeaux, the esthete also shares her daily life, her enthusiasm and her favorites on her Instagram account.

Yannick Revel
Yannick Revel

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