missing journalist found dead

The body of Juan Arjon Lopez, 62, founder of the Facebook news page “A qué le temes” (“What are you afraid of”), was discovered in the town of San Luis Rio Colorado, near the border with the United States.

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A Mexican freelance journalist, who disappeared on August 9, was found dead in the state of Sonora (northwest), the prosecution announced on Tuesday August 16. The body of Juan Arjon Lopez, 62, founder of the Facebook news page “A qué le temes” (“What are you afraid of”), was discovered in the town of San Luis Rio Colorado, near the border with the United States, Sonora prosecutor Indira Contreras told reporters.

According to the prosecution, the cause of death is cranio-encephalic trauma due to a blow with a blunt object. “No line of investigation is ruled out”, said the prosecutor. According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Juan Arjon Lopez alternated his job as a journalist with that of an employee in a local restaurant.

Since the beginning of the year, 13 journalists have been murdered in Mexico, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for this profession, according to RSF. However, this organization has not, at this stage, included Juan Arjon Lopez in this assessment.

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