Miss Germany has nothing to do with Miss France

The German competition has existed since 1927, that of Miss France was created in 1920.

Until 2019, the two events looked very similar … but that was before!

You can even play the 7 Differences Games with Miss Germany.

Miss Germany in 2005

2005 © Getty

Miss Germany in 2021

2021 © Getty

In Germany there are two different competitions (in the 90s and 2000s there were sometimes more than ten each year).

The most famous is Miss Germany, it still takes place at Europa-Park in February and it has changed everything since 2020!

Miss Deutschland is the competitor of Miss Germany and takes place a week later, this competition continues to resemble our Miss France.

The Miss Germany revolution

In France, to participate in the election of Miss France:

– you must be between 18 and 24 years old,

— be a woman,

— to be single,

– measure 1m70 without shoes with heels,

– have a clean criminal record… etc.

You must not:

– be married or divorced,

– be tattooed,

— have children,

— to be pregnant,

– have taken charming photos.

In Germany to participate in Miss Germany: you have to be under 39 … period!

That’s all we ask.

Anyone can become Miss Germany

Last year a pregnant woman entered the competition, and for the past two years many applicants have had children.

This year there will be a transexual among the contenders.

There is no parade in swimsuits, dresses that are too “princess” are no longer out and the candidates remain in a suit throughout the ceremony.

This year, the misses will no longer even represent the Länder (the German regions).

The last two Miss Germany winners were over 30 years old …

A Miss Germany show is TOTALLY different from a Miss France show.

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Why such a change in Germany?

Whether it is Miss France or Miss Germany, we must not forget that these are above all commercial events.

Which explains a lot of things!

– Miss France belongs to the production company Endemol, which makes a profit by producing a huge TV show that it sells at a high price to TF1.

– Miss Germany is not broadcast on TV and makes its profits by making brands pay to advertise them (C&A stores or even Cosmo magazine as well as many cosmetic brands).

By changing the rules and making it understood that anyone can become Miss Germany… it is above all a way of saying that everyone can read cosmo, dress at C&A or use the cosmetics brands that sponsor the event .

Especially since the Miss Germany are used to appear in the advertisements of the sponsors (this is less the case in France).

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In a way, Miss France and Miss Germany do not have the same economic model, which explains why Miss Germany has evolved enormously (you have to sell a lot of advertising by including everyone) and not Miss France (which still remains the one of the best audiences of the year on TF1).

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