Miss France: Sylvie Tellier on departure and replaced by a Miss? The main interested party reacts

For years, it was Geneviève de Fontenay who embodied the image of the Miss France contest until the lady in the hat left her hand in pain, giving way to Sylvie Tellier, whom she never really carried in his heart… Since 2007, the one who was crowned Miss France 2002 has therefore been the general manager of the competition, but the time has come to take leave according to information from the Parisian.

Indeed, the daily reports this Tuesday, May 10 that Miss France could well have a new boss very soon. “According to our information, the general manager of the Miss France company is about to return her scarf. Internally, negotiations are underway to guarantee him a smooth exit.“, it reads. And several anonymous sources agree, saying that it would not really be a surprise. “Sylvie has often said that she will not last forever at the head of Miss France. The time has come“, relates a relative. “She has already sought to relocate elsewhere in the past. And yet she’s still there“, assures another, believing that his departure would not be so easy. But the main interested party, what does she say? Asked by The Parisianshe simply replied to be “always at Miss France, very invested in the subjects“. But until when ?

Sylvie Tellier, who does not seem particularly upset by the article in the Parisian as evidenced by his stories Instagram posted simultaneously with Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022) and designer Nicolas Fafiotte, she could be replaced when the time comes by a former Miss France. Indeed, Cindy Fabre (Miss France 2005) would be in the running to succeed him. She is currently project manager at Ema Vent. As the daily wisely points out, the former beauty queen, still in the world of Misses, was recently on Diane Leyre’s integration trip to Saint-Martin…

It is certain that Cindy Fabre ticks all the boxes, even to be very appreciated by Geneviève de Fontenay!

Miss France has seen some changes in recent years with the arrival of the essential star producer of the small screen: Alexia Laroche-Joubert. She first joined the artistic production in 2020 then presidency of the Miss France society from the fall of 2021.

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