Miss France 2024 already revealed? Last year, this AI was not wrong

Does artificial intelligence always tell the truth? Last year, the Avisia firm, specializing in data, correctly predicted Indira Ampiot’s victory. The artificial intelligence that the firm used used all the web data on each of the candidates, and all the data is taken into account: the characteristics of the regional Misses, the demographics of each of the regions they representthe jurors present, the notoriety of the candidates on social networks, the number of tweets and hashtags associated with each of the candidates. The number of followers, posts, likes and comments on Instagram are combed through by the AI, as well as all the publications on the competition, through press titles in particular, in order to see which Misses are the most mentioned.

Last year, this very precise study made it possible to validate the name of Indira Ampiot, which had actually been verified. The young woman had actually been elected Miss France 2023. This Saturday, December 16, 2023, the Avisia institute delivered its verdict, and announced that their AI had predicted the victory of Miss Côte d’Azur. The young woman, named Karla Bchir, has indeed been one of the big favorites for several weeks. Aged 19, she is a native of Cannes and dreams of becoming Miss like her mother was before her, who was elected first runner-up in the Miss Juan-les-Pins election few years ago. Model, holder of a general baccalaureate, she is training to become a real estate agent. As she revealed to TF1, she has a particular affection for the animal cause, and more specifically wild animals, which she intends to defend if she becomes Miss France.

She already has 104,000 subscribers on Instagram!

Passionate about horse riding and motorsport, Karla Bchir is already very followed on social networks: on Instagram, the young woman accumulates already 104,000 subscribers (figures stopped at 8:15 p.m.). According to artificial intelligence, the first runner-up would be Elena Faliez, alias Miss Île-de-France; the second runner-up could be Audrey Ho-Wen-Tsaïaka Miss Guyana, the third runner-up Jalylane Maësaka Miss Guadeloupe, and finally, the fourth runner-up Adeline Vetter, aka Miss Alsace. Will this ranking be verified? Will Karla Bchir really be the new Miss France? Answer in a few hours on TF1!

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