Miss France 2022: Léna Massinger is Miss Champagne-Ardenne 2021

Of the eleven candidates running on October 15 at Kabaret, in Tinqueux (in the Marne), it is the pretty Lena massinger who won the crown and sash of Miss Champagne-Ardenne 2021. She succeeds Gwenegann Saillard elected in 2020.

Léna Massinger is 20 years old and comes from Reims. She pauses her higher education to embark on the Miss France adventure. The young woman will have to redouble her efforts to hope to convince the public during the national election next December, she who fights against a great shyness. It is therefore already with a certain pride that she has taken this first step. “Normally, I don’t last five minutes in front of an audience and there, in the semi-finals, I managed to hold a speech in front of several hundred people“, she rejoiced at the microphone of France 3 Regions Grand Est just before his victory.

Léna Massinger hopes to seduce the French with her personality and her values. With her title of Miss in her pocket, she already intends to dedicate her speeches to a cause that is dear to her: “My cause, these are women’s rights. I hope to be able to shed light on this cause which is close to my heart, wherever I will be invited, she announced.

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