Miss France 2022, is Diane Leyre a couple or single? His straightforward answer!

Sacred Miss France 2022 and now considered the most beautiful woman in France, Diane Leyre has agreed to reveal to journalists from Paris Match his sentimental situation. Does she share a man’s life? Or a woman? Or has she still not found her soul mate? Very thin, she answers: “I have a heart to take, but more than 67 million French people have taken their place in it recently …“The pretty brunette holding a Bachelor in Business Administration at IE University will not be the victim of the terrible curse of Misses. Indeed, this spell seems to affect all beauty queens as a couple at the time of their election. months after their coronation, the Miss would inevitably end up separating from their boyfriend.

Many Miss have borne the brunt of this curse such as Maeva Coucke (Miss France 2018) or Iris Mittenaere (Miss France 2016) who had also confided in her book Always believe, released in November 2018: “My case is far from unique. All Miss France are struck by the ‘curse of boyfriends’, the fateful rupture of summer“.

One of the only Miss France to have broken this curse is Miss France 2021, Amandine Petit. In a relationship for many years at the time of her election, the pretty blonde from the North of France is still in love with her darling Julien Georges.

Asked about Europe 1 by a columnist who implied that being in a relationship with a Miss France must be very hard for a boyfriend, she replied: “I would tell him, with the idea that it could be six years, that there is a sufficiently solid base and that we have to trust the person we are with. When I give my friendship to someone, it is with a lot of sincerity and this is what can happen if I have a boyfriend. And yes, it has been said that I could have someone for six years. When a relationship lasts for six years, it is not the fact of being elected Miss France that will change much “.

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