Misconceptions about our diet and diets

In fact, in recent years, we have heard more and more about food and diets have been the focus of the written press. What should we think ? How to find it? Here is a sentence that alone sums up what Muriel thinks:

Eating a balanced diet is the guarantee of staying healthy and maintaining an appropriate weight.

Some received ideas:

  • I cook with olive oil, it’s good for my health.

You should know that all oils are equal on the caloric value. A tablespoon of olive oil or a tablespoon of canola oil will give you exactly the same number of calories. After all, the oils all have different properties.

  • Rusks are lighter than bread

Indeed, rusks are lighter in weight, but they are much more caloric than bread.

  • I eat almonds because it is very good for health

But don’t forget that with almonds, we make oil, so it’s still a food that can be caloric if we consume a little too much.

Be careful, these received ideas, this misunderstood information, can unbalance our diet and sometimes have consequences on our health.

To take advantage of all the other tips, tricks and tips from Muriel and the listeners of France Bleu Drôme Ardèche, Click here.

To know more :

  • Muriel Blachere :
  • Mistral Medical Center – Nutrition and dietetic consultation
  • 180 Rue Pierre Curie, 07500 Guilherand-Granges
  • 06 81 53 80 87

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