It’s official: actor Tahar Rahim has been chosen to play the late singer Charles Aznavour at the cinema in a future biopic entitled “Monsieur Aznavour” directed by filmmakers and singers Mehdi Idir and Grand Corps Malade. As Mischa Aznavour, the famous artist’s son, prepares to present the Aznavour Prize for the first time, he gives his long-awaited opinion on this film project.
The 52-year-old novelist is thus very playful because for him, “to perpetuate the memory of his father is important”. In the columns of Télé-Loisirs, he also launches: “As for Edith Piaf! Because people have forgotten many artists over time, like Maurice Chevalier and Jean Sablon”. It is to respect a certain duty of memory that Mischa Aznavour has also decided to create the Aznavour Prize which will reward an author for the first time on May 22, 2023… May 22 being the date of birth of his famous dad. “It will make it possible to make a lunch while thinking of him, and to be with him on his birthday.” he admits.
See also:
“Tahar Rahim is a great actor”
And if Mischa Aznavour is not worried about the realization of this biopic, it is also because his brother-in-law is part of the project. Jean-Rachid Kallouche who is a co-producer of the film is none other than the husband of his sister, Katia Aznavour! “I was able to read the first versions of the script. I also met Tahar Rahim, who wanted to talk a little about my father,” says Mischa Aznavour.
If he is not aware of the details of the project, he is visibly proud to see an actor as talented as Tahar Rahim slip into the shoes of his father: “This film is a good idea, I really don’t nothing to complain about. And the choice is classy! Tahar Rahim is a very great actor.”. More enthusiastic than ever, he concludes: “Grands Corps Malade has proven itself as much in song as in cinema. It’s a good choice”.
We note that the family of Charles Aznavour is very concerned about his media heritage and did not hesitate to drag the rapper SDM to justice. In January 2023, it was indeed announced that the artist had to remove from his album “Liens du 100”, released in 2022, the song “Hier encore” in which he winks at the song of the same name of Charles Aznavour.