Mireille and Lionel, a homeless couple with a 26-year gap annoys viewers

Their love and their age difference is today a hindrance and a real handicap to having a normal and decent life. This is what we tried to explain to us Mireille, 73 years old and Lionel 47 years old, this Friday, October 14, 2022 on the set of TPMP. After having testified a few years ago on the set of “Balance your post”, the two lovers were back on C8 to take stock of their situation.

Out of love and after falling in love with Lionel, Mireille left her husband a few years ago. A decision that shocked his family to such an extent that all his relatives turned their backs on him, accusing him of wanting to “get a little young”. For his part, Lionel is also at odds with his family, who do not understand his decision to be in a relationship with such an old woman… and Internet users accuse him of being interested in his partner’s money.

A testimony that does not pass
Still together despite the criticism and the complicated daily life, Mireille and Lionel are now fighting to find accommodation. They assure that their age difference of 26 years would scare the owners. The couple also revealed that Mireille receives a retirement pension of €1,450 and Lionel, who is disabled, receives state aid of €800… which is not considered a source of income for the owners. Without a fixed address, they therefore live in a campsite which they will be forced to leave to return to live in their car.

If Cyril Hanouna promised to try to help the couple, viewers were not convinced by this testimony.“It’s more the income that blocks them than their age difference”, “Well I don’t understand why they can’t find housing What does the age difference have to do? Mystery?”, “Wait they are not able to find an apartment with a rent of 500€ ??? They take us for idiots”, “Weird their story or they are difficult in the social you find not”, “2250€ I have a brother-in-law who earns less and who bought a house, my sister being sick does not work…”, “Mdrrr but #tpmp it has become a place where we beg for a roof”, “Weird this story”, “oh yes, okay, the shitty story. They actually have money” can we read among the reactions.


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