Minor leagues | A historic work agreement for 5,500 players

Minor league baseball players signed a historic first collective bargaining agreement with Major League Baseball on Wednesday, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press.

This person spoke on condition of anonymity, as details have not been announced.

As part of the five-year agreement, MLB has pledged not to reduce the number of minor league affiliates, which currently number 120.

The parties reached the agreement two days before the start of the minor league season and hours after a federal judge gave final approval to a $185 million settlement reached with MLB last May following of a 2014 lawsuit alleging violations of federal minimum wage laws.

Stewards have recommended approving the deal and about 5,500 minor league players are expected to vote by Thursday. The major baseball teams will also have to decide during the next week.

Minimum salaries will increase from $4,800 to $19,800 for the rookie ball level, from $11,000 to $26,200 for the Low-A level, from $11,000 to $27,300 for the High-A level, from $13,800 $27,300 for Double A and $17,500 to $45,800 for Triple A.

Double A and Triple A players will be guaranteed a single room on the road. Domestic violence and drug policies will be covered by the agreement.

Major league players have been protected by a labor contract since 1968, and the average salary has risen from $17,000 in 1967 to $4.22 million last season. Minor league players earned just $10,400 last year.

The Major League Baseball Players Association became the representative of some 5,500 players under contract in the minor leagues last September after a 17-day blitz organizing campaign.

Minor league players will receive four weeks of retroactive pay for this year’s spring camps. They will receive $625 per week for spring camps and off-season training camps, and $250 per week for off-season home training sessions.

The number of players an organization must keep under contract from 2024 will be 165 during the season and 175 during the offseason, compared to 190 during the season and 180 during the offseason currently.

The syndicate will bear the group license fees for the players.

Negotiations for the players were led by Bruce Meyer, Harry Marino, Ian Penny and Matt Nussbaum. Dan Halem, MLB’s assistant commissioner, led negotiators for the league.

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